Together with Jesus
Couple Prayer Series
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Note that:all purchasing donations are non-profit and tax-deductible.
The Couple Prayer Series and the companion Hungry for God Series and the Simple Miracle: Couple Prayer book are outreaches dedicated to enabling married or engaged couples, as well as individuals, to experience an even deeper love-relationship with God and with one another. To that end, every order is gratefully accepted as helpful support for the continuation and potential spread of this ministry. Each purchase is also a tax-exempt charitable contribution on your part. We can assure you that there never has been, nor ever will be, any amount taken from your orders as personal profit margin for any of the individuals or couples dedicated to helping promote the ministry.. We simply thank God for your interest, and we thank God, for our being able to experience for ourselves, over and over again, the extraordinarily easy-to-discover and easy-to-receive blessings that the Holy Spirit is pouring out through this very beautiful and very simple miracle called, "Couple Prayer."
Thank you & God Bless you for your interest.
Bob & Kathy Ken & Signe

A special consideration for parents of children with special needs. Our daughter, Dr Theresa Regan, Ph.D,, is Director of the Neuropsychology Dept of the Illinois Neurological Institute in Peoria's St Fancis hospital. She and her husband, Pat, have a wonderful young son who has Asperger syndrome (AS), an autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Theresa journaled their daily, biblically-grounded reflections and prayers for Joshua over the course of a full year, and has since complied those prayers and relfections into the wonderful prayer journal you see to the left: Soul Cries. You can learn more about this sensitive and faith-filled prayer resource at her blog:,
and you order it through or other book-sellers . She's also authored a very well received newer book about understanding and helping adults with autism that you may find to be of considerable help. That book is, entitled: "Understanding Autism in Adults and Aging Adults: Improving Diagnosis and Quality of Life"