Together with Jesus
Couple Prayer Series
The Hungry for God Series

As either a blessing in its own right or a
perfect companion to the Couple Prayer Series,
the audio CD Hungry for God Series offers
proven help to anyone wishing they had an even closer
and more loving personal relationship with God.
What it's meant in peoples' lives
“The series filled my “hunger for Jesus” in a way that I’ve been looking for all these years. This was the best! Praise God!"
“A ten plus! I truly felt a new-found peace. God has now become a priority for me, and I am so grateful for that!"
“Awesome reflections! This gave me a brand new perspective on what a personal relationship with Jesus really is.”
“Before I experienced this series my prayer life was formula prayers. Now I’m talking to Jesus as my best friend!”
"This series experience has been a refreshingly simple but penetrating work for me. God loves me. He knows my name. He wants to rescue me from our separation so I can have a personal relationship with Him. Wow!”"
“I had a spiritual healing the first night with the words 'God whispers your name.'"
"The word of God just ‘came alive’ to me. I want to spend more time with Jesus!”
“The Series brings home God’s real and accessible love in ways that are pretty exceptional."
"This was one of the clearest breaths of spiritual air we’ve experienced in a long time."
“This series was well named “Hungry for God.” I came and I was fed!"
“The deeper relationship with God that I’ve gained through the Hungry for God series is exactly what I’ve been praying for.”
“Hungry for God was more than talks on religious subjects. It was a process, gently led, bringing scripture to life for me; real life that I had never grasped before in this depth.”
“It was like Jesus and the Father were sitting with me through the whole process, inviting me to see and grow and commit myself to their love for me in a whole new and much more personal way.”
“The series gave me new insights into familiar scriptures, telling me over and over that Jesus loves me, He knows my name, He has been waiting for me to return to Him. That word absolutely came alive!”
"Thank you for blessing me and so many others with this series!
"This was really a blessed time for me. A blessed series. A blessed 'good news.' Thank you, Jesus."
"I can't wait to listen through the series again."
"This series ignited my personal relationship
with the God who loves me at a time when I
so much wanted that to happen!"
"I cried. I was so needing this. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
"The bible has come alive for me in whole new ways! Thank you, God!!"
5. Hungry For The Power To Forgive
2. Hungry For Salvation
3. Hungry For Jesus
4. Hungry To Know God's Plan For Your Life
1. Hungry For God's Love
The Hungry for God Series
The Hungry for God Series is focused on helping you experience an even more secure and more loving personal relationship with God, who is loving you personally and perfectly, right now and always.
Each of the Series' seven audio presentations focuses on promises and revelations that God has made to you regarding these life-altering subjects: The promise of God's forever love. The gift of salvation. Enjoying greater closeness to God. Finding God's perfect plan for your life. Experiencing total forgiveness. Praying for more of God's Holy Spirit in your life. And
a concluding presentation to help you rejoice in God's loving company for a lifetime: “Can you believe news this good?”
In addition to the audio presentations, the series gives you a booklet of forty-two biblical promises, each directly relating to one of the the life-changing subjects on CD.
By listening to one CD a week for six consecutive weeks, and reading, reflecting and praying about just one of the passages provided in the booklet for each of those forty-two consecutive days, and then simply listening to and reflecting on the closing presentation, we believe you'll find yourself celebrating a deeply personal faith-building experience that will bless you as powerfully as it's already blessed the men and women quoted in the columns to the left and the right on this page. Because it really is true:
What you're hungry for is Jesus. It's been Jesus all along!
6. Hungry For Faith And God's Holy Spirit
6. Hungry For Faith And God's Holy Spirit
7. Can You Believe News This Good?
What it's meant in peoples' lives
“I felt so joyful, so cradled in God’s loving arms. This was so beautiful. So grace-filled. It was wonderful.”
“This series has changed my life.”
“This series was just what I needed to re-spark the fire in me that was slowly burning out."
"Spending time in the bible on a daily basis reminded me that I truly was 'Hungry for God.'"
“I even told the people I work with that I can’t wait to share this series with them."
"Thank you for blessing me and so many others with your passionate love for Christ in this series!”
"I've been so richly blessed by this very special series."
“The ‘Hungry for God Series’ was a gift beyond my imagination. It brought things to life in me that left me just saying, “Wow!”
“This was the best. I want to hear it again and again."
“The Hungry for God Series is a program that God uses to make peoples’ lives brand new again in so many wonderful ways. It is a great series."
"I'm reading scripture now with renewed understanding."
"I truly felt the grace of God present.”
“My wife and I found Hungry for God to be a kind of “God 101” experience; a journey into the most blessed places of our personal relations with God, who is still loving, accepting and forgiving us just as we are!”
“The series helped us to identify again the quiet voice of the Lord, Who has been whispering, ‘I love you and I cherish you,’ within us for so many years.”
“This series was well named “Hungry for God.” I came and I was fed!!!"
"The topics made me think about some things for the first time in my life, and read the bible again for the first time in years. There was a definite “divine” intervention here.”
"Spending time in the bible on a daily basis reminded me that I truly was “Hungry for God.”
"It is a great series. I highly recommend the Hungry for God Series for both adults and teen agers.”
"This is a great series and a great blessing! Wow, wow, wow, wow!"
"It drew me even closer to the personal Jesus that
I so much love."
"The word of God burns in my heart now. Thank you so much!"
"This has been a great experience! This is actually life-changing!"
"By the grace of God, I was able to forgive a personal betrayal that I'd carried like I was sick inside for twenty years! Amazing! Amazing grace!"