Together with Jesus
Couple Prayer Series
What some very happy couples would like to share with you hap
about their own experience with the Couple Prayer Series
“I was not expecting the impact of couple prayer would be so strong. This was so enlightening. We aren't even both from the same denomination, but now we're praying to God together!”
"The series provided us with the 'how to's which were needed, including how to create a 'safe place' in which to do this together."
"We are much closer now that we pray together.”
“I found that I was able to communicate with my spouse on a level that we never experienced before."
"We're closer now to God, to one another, and to our kids.".
“Praying together is something we have talked about for 30 years. The Spirit used this series to make it happen for us. “It brought us both back to Jesus.”
“It not only enhanced my relationship with my wife, it brought me back to Christ.”
“What was most helpful is to be reminded that Jesus and I have a personal relationship and that He is a part of my marriage.”
"I realize now that it was so simple, and there for us all the time. All we needed was to 'just do it.'
"We now really know that Jesus is alive and well in our marriage, and he wants the very best for us and our children."
"I haven't felt this close to my husband since the day we were married."
"The Couple Prayer program was fantastic. During the program my husband had a problem with depression. Very serious, and couple prayer saved my husband's life. He reached out to me after leaving for 5 days, and he wanted to pray with me over the phone, and we did, and then he was able to come home and receive the care he needed. I really believe my husband would not be here with me today if it were not for couple prayer."
“We had not prayed as a couple before. Learning how to create 'a safe place’ so we can share our real prayers together has been most helpful.”
“I am really surprised how much more comfortable we feel praying together now.”
“Praying togeher has helped us open up to each other as well as open up more to God.”
“My husband told me he wishes he could go back and ask me to marry him all over again because he now feels God is so much more a part of our lives."
"Words cannot convey the impact this series has had on our relationship and in our lives. At a time when there just didn't seem to be anything connecting us with one another, God brought us to couple prayer as a gift to reunite us more deeply than ever in our 36 years together. Thank you for making this possible.
"This series has healed a very traumatic event I've been trying to heal 15 years, praise God!"
"How we wish we knew this when we married!"
"This was amazing. Our intimacy, our closeness, our sense of togetherness, it just shot through the roof"
"This has had more impact on our marriage and our life than anything we've ever done."
"Couple prayer has shown me another side of
my husband that I knew existed but was never
able to be a part of before now. Not I truly understand the meaning of the promise that
"The two shall become one!"

“Learning how to successfully pray together has been life-changing for us. After seven years, we had a good marriage, but not like now. This is life-changing, and we are so grateful."
“Praying together is profound. It's the keys to the kingdom. It's foundational. It's the solution."
“This Couple Prayer Series was such a blessing. It far surpassed our expectations.”
"The Series is absolutely wonderful."
“What a beautiful series. It brought us as a couple closer to God and each other.”
“My wife and I prayed together for the first time in 27 years of marriage because of this series. Had it not been for this series, we may have gone the rest of our lives without praying together."
"I have always been an individual who prayed alone. This series has opened me up to the strength of praying together with my spouse."
"Outstanding! My faith and desire to serve the Lord has been renewed."
"We are much closer now that we pray together."
“I learned new ways of praying that I never even fathomed before. It has helped open my spirit to experience God’s love.”
“What was most helpful is to be reminded that Jesus and I have a personal relationship and that He is a part of my marriage.”
"It is difficult to put into words the sense of unity we've felt since we've been praying together. Surely, it is not something we have done, or could have done, to create this intense and close bond. It is clearly the work and blessing of our Lord."
"We now really know that Jesus is alive and well in our marriage, and he wants the very best for us and our children.”
“I can honestly say that, outside of our wonderful six children, learning how to pray comfortably together as a couple has been the most wonderful gift we've been given."
“Our relationship has reached a depth similar to when we were first married.”
“The Couple Prayer Series opened a treasure chest I never knew existed in our marriage.”
”"When I became a pastor, my grandmother told me the best thing I could tell couples was to pray together. That's exactly what this Series does -- gets couples praying together. It is marvelous. A blessing from God."
“My wife told me it was six weeks, and I thought that was too long. But after the first couple of weeks I found myself looking forward to each session.
“I really only continued with this series because my wife asked me to, and, I must admit, it was with reluctance. But by the sixth week I felt closer to God and to my wife and my children than I've ever felt before.”
"It's the best, greatest gift we've ever been given."
“I got closer to my wife, to God, to Jesus.”
“Praying together has opened my heart. It gave me a peace and love toward my spouse that I will treasure always.”
"I haven't felt this close to my husband since the day we were married."
“We can't help but wonder, now that we've experienced how truly life-altering praying together as a couple is, why this isn't at the top
of the ministry list in churches everywhere!"
"We realized that it's simply in our coming together faithfully with this unity of purpose – to seek God together in couple prayer – that makes it so powerful and life-changing.””
"We are so thankful for the Couple Prayer Series. It really got us to a deeper level in our marriage. Every aspect of our lives has improved. Neither one of us has ever been happier in our whole lives."
"I was at the point where I never thought I would re-connect and love my husband again due to past issues from both of us. Praying together was the path that brought my heart back to his heart and I'm falling in love with him all over again!"
“This was awesome. To come together to God as a couple surpassed any expectations we had.”
“More than we can say, couple prayer has been a special help in our lives.”
"Very moving and insightful. I had never realized how powerful and healing prayer can be in a relationship.”
"Not only was the deep sharing between us enriching and moving, but the experience of praying with my husband was phenomenal. I saw more deeply into his heart than I ever have in almost 16 years of marriage."
"This is life-changing. It's actually life-changing. It has changed our lives."
“The examples of how to pray are priceless. We would never have known where to even start on our own.”
“What a beautiful series. It brought us as a couple closer to God and each other.”
“There is much more to this than Couple Prayer. It is a whole lesson in spirituality in the form of Couple Prayer. That's the real value of it.”
"This has truly changed our lives. More to the point, God has changed our lives through the gift of this series. Fantastic. Unbelievably touching."
“The reality of God being with us was so evident throughout the series.”
"Being able to pray together has changed our lives."
"The time with my spouse was invaluable, let along adding the presence of God to our relationship."
"It meant so much to hear my spouse's prayer for me. It made me realize how much he loves me."
"I have always been an individual who prayed alone. This series has opened me up to the strength of praying with my spouse."
"Outstanding! My faith and desire to serve the Lord has been renewed. And praying together did it!"
“My husband and I found a new intimacy we never knew existed between us.”
"The Couple Prayer Series far exceeded our expectations. The teachings are excellent."
"Personalizing scripture was life-altering. For the first time in my life, I saw scripture as a living thing.”
“This was great! I just bought two new Bibles!”
“Praying together has given me a peace and love toward my spouse that I will treasure always.”
"Praying together is life-changing. Period. That's it!"
"This Couple Prayer Series was life changing! Thank you! We were struggling and now we are both very happy, praying every night because we know the benefits of this time with the Lord. Our struggling marriage and the stress that came with it is GONE!! Truly a life changing event!!!!!!!"

"In all my sixty years of ministry in Marriage and Family Spirituality, the Together with Jesus Couple Prayer Series is the best marriage-spirituality development series I have ever seen. What's more, the series has been proven effective when used with any sized group, from 6 couples in a home setting to 106 couples in a church setting.
Its emphasis on relationships rather than techniques is the vital core of its overall strength, which is remarkable. I could not recommend it more highly."
Dr. A. Fenker, D. Min., Educator (Marriage & Family Spirituality), Member: Families For Prayer, NACFLM, NCCB Committee on Marriage and Family. Co-author: "A Family Perspective in Church and Society; A Manual for All Pastoral Leaders"
“Jesus-centered and biblically-solid in every respect, the Couple Prayer Series is faith-building, marriage-building, family-building, and an altogether remarkable blessing for couples.”
K. Smith:, Evanglism Director, Prayer Team Director, Small Groups Director: Kensington Community Evangelical Church, Birmingham, Mi.
"Our Couple Prayer Series had over 100 couples from different age groups with various levels of exposure to praying together, from zero to daily. Overwhelmingly, they not only found it to be helpful, but in probably half a dozen cases, it was instrumental in preventing the couples from getting a divorce."
Rev John Riccardo, Pastor, Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish, Plymouth, MI
"This series is amazing. It's a wonderful experience for any Christian couple, married or engaged; a genuine must-take!”
M. B. Heikkinen. United Lutheran Women’s Ministry Chairperson, Holy Cross Church, Sterling Hts, Mi.
"The Couple Prayer series will be a gift of new life to any engaged or married Christian couple. In a time when so many marriages need so much help, I very much recommend it.”
Rev. Ed Prus, St. James Parish, Ferndale, Mi
Jim and Mary
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Gerry and Peggy
Ken and Maureen