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Our completely tax-deductible Couple Prayer Series package for Church CP Series Facilitators makes it easy to successfully offer the full Series to large numbers of couples in churches or other larger-scale venues. The now simpler-than-ever package offers solidly-proven "how-to" content throughout, as well as God's unshakable promise that the new intimacy and unity it assures  attending couples can be offered in a series of genuinely safe, simple and comfortable Couple Prayer-forming steps; steps that will generate life-changing blessings for every couple  experiencing them.  

Couple Prayer Series Church Facilitator Edition USB Drive

  • For “out of the box” presentation ease, the Facilitator Edition provides (on a USB 2.0 Flash Drive) six video Couple Prayer presentations along with start-to-finish organizational, presentation, and follow-up suggestions for a smooth-running Series.  These print materials include outlines, handouts and scripted presentation text for each of the 6 weeks along with the 42 session-related “Daily Prayer Experiences” (MS Word) for printing and distributing to attending couples. These daily Prayer Experiences invite couples to share their discussions and prayers at their own most convenient times and in their own home.   You'll maintain full permission to duplicate and distribute all 42 of these experiences to anyone attending your Series, as many times as you would like.

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